Category: Lawyer

The Role of Corporate Lawyers in Today’s Business World

Attorney (also called attorney-at-law or a lawyer) is someone who practices law, offering guidance and expertise on legal matters. They also perform research, draft documents, and negotiate on behalf of clients.

A thoughtfully crafted attorney biography helps forge an authentic connection with prospective clients. It showcases an attorney’s professional experience, expertise, and personality. Click Here to know more.

An attorney represents clients in legal matters. In this role, attorneys provide comprehensive legal services to clients including legal counseling, researching, drafting documents, negotiating deals or settlements and providing guidance on various non-litigation matters. Depending on their area of expertise, an attorney may even appear before court judges and other government officials.

Many individuals seeking assistance with legal issues will call or email a law firm to set up an initial interview with an attorney. The first impression a potential client makes of an attorney’s office will depend on the way he or she is treated during the telephone call or email interaction and how quickly the law firm responds to an inquiry.

Once an attorney has screened a prospective client, conducted the conflicts check1 and gathered information and impressions through the initial consultation, the attorney must decide whether or not to accept the case. Ideally, the decision should be made in writing. This can be done by sending an engagement letter to the client that welcomes him or her as a new client, confirms the scope of representation and sets forth essential terms such as the fee arrangement. The engagement letter should also include provisions for obtaining complete copies of client files at the end of the matter.

While representing a client, an attorney must remain neutral and not disclose any confidential or privileged communications to others without the consent of the client or a court order. This ensures that the client receives the utmost protection under the law and allows the attorney to zealously advocate on behalf of the client. However, it is important to avoid inordinately demanding or uncooperative clients, clients who “lawyer shop” and those with a personal vendetta against the lawyer.

Researching and Analyzing Legal Issues

Legal research is a large part of an attorney’s job. It involves finding relevant law and legal precedent, applying this to the facts of a case, and writing about the outcome. This process is complex and requires critical thinking, analysis, strategy, and perseverance. It is also highly individualized to the client’s needs and case circumstances. For example, an insurance claim for a car accident might involve a different set of facts than a criminal defense case.

It is important to define the legal issue before beginning to do research. This is often done by identifying the desired outcome or relief sought in a case. This will help attorneys stay focused and on topic. Then, attorneys can use a variety of digital research products to gather relevant information.

For instance, a researcher can find laws in the form of statutes, regulations, and cases. They can also monitor pending legislation through legislative websites or specialized platforms. This way, attorneys can anticipate any future changes in the law and prepare accordingly.

Another aspect of legal research is interpreting and analyzing these documents. This can be done through reading and reviewing the facts of a case, as well as assessing the law’s current status and applicability to the case at hand.

Developing and following a research plan is essential to effective legal research. Many researchers throw keywords into Westlaw or Lexis without first coming up with a clear research strategy, which leads to a lot of time spent on irrelevant searches and inefficient results. Additionally, researching with a purpose helps ensure that all pertinent issues are addressed. This allows attorneys to save time and avoid unnecessarily going down rabbit holes, which can be very frustrating and difficult to navigate.

Writing Documents

Lawyers often write documents, including letters and emails, to communicate with clients. They may also use their legal knowledge to create formal court filings and other official documents. Some attorneys specialize in particular areas of the law, and they are sometimes called experts in their field. Depending on their occupation, they may be required to use technical terms and phrases that non-lawyers would find unfamiliar — a style of writing commonly referred to as legalese.

Negotiating Deals or Settlements

Settlement negotiations can take place in a variety of ways. They can occur through informal back-and-forth conversations or correspondence on the phone, at meetings or by email between your attorney and the other side’s representative. They may also take place in a formal setting such as a court-ordered mediation. The outcome of a negotiation often depends on the ability of the parties to compromise, and your lawyer’s negotiating skills can be very valuable in helping you achieve an acceptable result.

Your lawyer should always prepare carefully before engaging in settlement discussions. That way, you can enter the conversation with confidence and a clear sense of what your objectives are. This will give you a better chance of reaching a successful negotiated resolution.

You should also prepare for your negotiation by reviewing your case file and gathering supporting evidence. Typically, you will want to establish that the party with whom you are negotiating breached a duty of care by making or acting in a manner that unreasonably put you at risk of harm. You will also need to determine how much that harm is worth and be able to prove it through documents such as medical records, witness testimony and expert analysis.

As you begin your negotiations, it is important to establish a realistic bargaining range for your client. Your opponent will be more likely to listen to your advice if you can show that your position is reasonable and grounded in the facts of the case. Using tactics such as association, where you link the issue to something outside of the case, and authority, where you cite legal precedent or other authoritative sources, can help you establish your credibility.

Meeting With Clients

Meeting with clients is a critical aspect of being an attorney. Client meetings require attentive listening to fully understand a client’s concerns and presenting well-thought-out solutions or alternatives that are aligned with the client’s objectives. It is also important to have the ability to handle objections during meetings by maintaining composure, welcoming diverse viewpoints with empathy and creating a professional environment conducive to productive dialogue.

Clearly define the purpose of a meeting in advance. This will prevent surprises for both parties and ensure that the meeting is productive. Similarly, if you want to propose a new solution to a client’s problem, let them know that ahead of time.

Schedule a meeting in a distraction-free environment, such as a conference room. This will eliminate distractions such as incoming emails and phone calls. Moreover, scheduling the meeting at your place of business or your office can help you focus on the client and their issue without getting distracted by other tasks.

Prior to the client meeting, prepare for potential questions and issues that the client may raise by researching the relevant legal issues in advance. This will enable you to provide quick, decisive responses during the meeting.

At the end of a client meeting, send a thank-you email within 24 hours to show your appreciation for the client’s time and to summarize the key points discussed during the meeting. You should also send a document outlining the agreed-upon action items with assigned responsibilities to serve as a record of progress moving forward. If you decide to not represent a prospective client, it is helpful to send a non-engagement letter to clearly communicate this decision. Likewise, if you decide to retain a prospective client, you should send a contract outlining the legal representation and fee arrangement.

A Dog Bite Lawyer Can Help You Navigate the Claims Process

Dog bites are devastating events that can lead to severe injuries and lasting damage. An experienced Atlanta Dog Bite Lawyer can help you navigate the claims process and secure maximum compensation for your losses.

Many homeowners’ insurance policies cover dog bites. However, the dog owner may try to avoid liability by arguing that you were responsible for the attack (for example, that you provoked their pet). Your attorney can combat these arguments.

Insurance Companies Will Try to Deny or Minimize Your Claim

Dog Bite Lawyer

Injuries from a dog attack can leave you with severe wounds and lasting physical and mental trauma, not to mention enormous medical bills and other financial losses. Fortunately, New York law enables victims to recover compensation from pet owners who are responsible for dog bite injuries. An experienced New York dog bite lawyer can help you identify and collect existing sources of compensation for your losses.

Insurance providers will do everything they can to avoid paying you the full amount that you are owed. A dog bite attorney understands the tactics used by insurance companies to devalue your claim and will fight them every step of the way to get you a fair settlement.

A dog bite lawyer will also review all the information related to the incident and may conduct a thorough investigation of the facts surrounding the attack. They will look at evidence such as medical records, photos of your injuries, witness statements, and other documents. This will give them a clearer picture of what actually occurred and the true value of your claim.

They will also help you locate the owner of the dog and his or her contact information. This is essential if you want to pursue a claim against the dog owner. Sometimes this can be done quite easily, such as in the case of a pit bull subway attack, but other times it may be difficult. This is why it is so important to have a lawyer who can help track down the dog and its owner.

In addition to identifying the dog and its owner, your New York dog bite lawyer will also determine whether more than one party is responsible for the attack. This is possible under New York laws, and if so, it could substantially increase the amount of money you are entitled to receive. Practical examples include landlords, dog walkers, and property owners who knew the animal posed a risk to people but failed to take any action.

Many victims are tempted to accept the first lowball offer from the insurance company, but doing so can leave you with no way to pay your medical expenses and other financial losses down the road. A New York dog bite lawyer can help you understand your options, including the potential for future losses and expenses that will arise from the incident.

Insurance Companies Will Offer You a Quick Settlement

Dog bite injuries can be devastating. They can leave you with expensive medical bills, loss of income, and emotional trauma that lasts for years. That’s why it’s important to hire a dog bite lawyer who will fight for your right to compensation. A reputable attorney will know how much your injuries are worth and will be able to negotiate with the insurance company for a fair settlement.

The first thing your lawyer will do is evaluate your case. They will take into account the specifics of the attack, such as the severity of your injuries, the circumstances surrounding the bite, and whether the dog has a history of aggression. They will also assess your emotional trauma and other resulting damages. Lastly, they will determine what the dog bite statutes and negligence laws in your state allow you to recover for.

Once your lawyer has assessed your case, they will file a lawsuit against the owner of the dog who bit you. They will seek compensation for your medical bills, lost wages, emotional distress, and other resulting damages. They will also pursue punitive damages if appropriate.

Unfortunately, some dog owners will use a variety of strategies to avoid responsibility for their dogs’ attacks. For example, they may argue that you provoked the dog or that you were trespassing on their property. Your lawyer will be well-versed in the many different defenses that can be used against dog bite victims and will be able to counter these arguments.

When an insurance company sees that you have a dog bite lawyer representing you, they will take your claim more seriously. They will be less likely to try and offer you a lowball settlement or attempt to convince you that your case is not worthy of a fair payout. They will also be more likely to offer you the maximum amount that they can within their policy limits. This is another reason why it’s essential to hire a dog bite lawyer as soon as possible.

Insurance Companies Will Try to Blame You for the Attack

A dog attack can leave you with more than just physical injuries. It can also have serious financial consequences. You may have to pay for extensive medical care, and you may lose income from being unable to work due to your injuries. These costs can add up quickly, making it difficult to keep up with your bills. An experienced dog bite lawyer can help you recover the compensation you deserve for your losses.

A New York dog bite lawyer can review your case and gather evidence to support your claim. This includes examining the dog’s history, which could include previous incidents of aggressive behavior or violent episodes. Your attorney may even interview witnesses who can testify that the dog behaved badly in the past.

The insurance company may attempt to minimize your damages by blaming you for the incident. For example, they may argue that you provoked the dog or that you didn’t follow proper safety measures. Your lawyer can fight back against these arguments.

One of the most important things you can do after a dog bite is seek immediate medical attention. Not only will this ensure that you get the critical care you need, but it will also provide crucial documentation for your legal claim.

Documenting your injuries and their effect on your daily life is vital in a dog bite case. Your lawyer can take the burden of these tasks off your shoulders and work to collect the financial compensation you deserve for your medical expenses and other losses.

If you’re able to identify the dog owner and swap contact information, it’s wise to ask about their homeowner’s or renter’s insurance policy details. Many of these policies cover incidents involving pet owners and their animals, so it’s worth investigating the details of their coverage.

It’s best to hire an experienced dog bite lawyer as soon as possible after the attack. By doing so, you can give your legal team the time they need to build a strong case for you. The longer you wait to file a lawsuit, the more likely it is that your claims will be denied or minimized.

Insurance Companies Will Try to Deny Your Claim

Dog bites can be incredibly traumatic and can cause lasting physical, emotional and mental damage. Victims often require costly medical care, lost wages, and intangible damages such as pain and suffering. Insurance companies know this, and they will use every tactic they can to reduce or deny your claim. An experienced dog bite lawyer can help you combat these tactics and fight for fair compensation.

Dogs are prone to biting and attacking when they feel threatened or their instincts are activated. This happens whether they are playing, tussling, or simply feeling aggressive. Over 4.5 million people are attacked by dogs each year, and most of these attacks involve children. These children are particularly vulnerable to serious injuries, including death. The best way to protect yourself and your family is to work with a skilled Long Island dog bite lawyer like Shaevitz & Shaevitz.

A successful lawsuit can result in awards that cover a wide range of damages, including medical expenses, lost income, disability, pain and suffering, loss of enjoyment of life and disfigurement. The more severe your injuries, the higher the potential award. A knowledgeable dog bite lawyer will be able to evaluate your case and calculate your total damages.

Some states follow the traditional common law “one-bite rule,” which gives owners liability for their dog’s first bite unless they knew or should have known that the animal had vicious propensities. Other states utilize strict liability, which holds the owner responsible for any medical costs resulting from an attack. New York uses a combination of both approaches.

An experienced dog bite lawyer will be able to navigate the varying laws regarding dog bites in your state. They will also be able to identify all parties responsible for your injuries. This could include the dog’s owner, the landlord if they owned the property where the bite occurred, or police officers who use their own dogs on duty.

An experienced dog bite lawyer will be able identify all parties who may be liable for your injuries and negotiate with them to settle your claim. This will avoid the time, stress and expense of a trial.

What Does a Lawyer Do?

Lawyers work in an intellectually stimulating and rewarding field. They help their clients navigate the legal system by preparing and filing paperwork, negotiating settlements, and representing them in court proceedings.

When many people think of lawyers, they envision attorneys in a courtroom. However, a lawyer’s day-to-day duties may encompass much more than that. For more information, click the Ask The Law Doc – Gershon Willoughby & Getz to proceed.

Lawyers serve a vital role in society by upholding the law and protecting their clients’ rights. They have in-depth knowledge of legal statutes and precedents, which they use to provide guidance for individuals and businesses on a variety of legal matters. Representation can take many forms, such as drafting legal documents, negotiating settlements, or representing clients in court proceedings.

Attorneys work in specialized fields known as practice areas. Depending on their specialty, a lawyer may focus on corporate or civil law, divorce, family, or criminal defense. They are generally employed in a law firm, which is a private enterprise that has one or more attorneys and provides legal services for a fee.

During the course of a representation, a lawyer may consult with clients to understand their objectives and craft strategies to achieve them. This can involve researching case law and relevant statutes, as well as analyzing the facts of the matter at hand to develop an effective argument.

If a client and lawyer disagree on a fundamental issue in the representation, they must confer and try to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. The lawyer must also notify the client if they cannot agree and inform them of their options under applicable laws.

When a client hires a lawyer, they typically sign a representation agreement that spells out the terms of the attorney-client relationship. This contract should include stipulations for ending the representation, how a client can access their client files, who is working on their case, and powers of attorney. It should also include a clause that stipulates that the attorney must abide by ethical and professional responsibility laws. If the attorney violates these laws, the contract allows the client to fire them.


A lawyer’s role as counselor is essential to their job description. Clients often approach lawyers with complex, emotionally charged issues that require counseling and support. Lawyers listen to their clients’ concerns and provide them with guidance on legal procedures, options and solutions. They also counsel their clients to make informed decisions in a stressful situation.

As a result, many lawyers are at high risk for mental health problems. Depression, anxiety and substance abuse are common among attorneys, according to research. The stress of the job, the demands of practicing law and the intricacies of the court system can contribute to these conditions. In addition, the financial pressures of running a law firm can put added strain on a lawyer’s mental health.

Lawyers serve as legal advocates for their clients, filing pleadings and showing up in court to argue the case in favor of their client. This role is important for a lawyer, and they often overlook the fact that they are also serving as counselors to their clients.

Attorneys can help clients cope with their fears, refocus their priorities and find a way forward through the process of litigation. It is important that the client maintain contact with the lawyer, communicate promptly and respect the lawyer’s time and resources.

The term counselor is also used to describe a legal professional who works in-house at a law firm, organization or corporation to provide specialized advice and counsel on specific legal matters. The terms advocate and counselor are similar in meaning but differ in that the word advocate is generally held to a higher standard of professionalism and responsibility than the term counsel. They are homophones, which are words that sound the same but have different spellings and meanings (for example, blue and blew). The differences between the roles of lawyer and counsel are subtle but significant.

Document Preparation

Document preparation is a critical service that lawyers provide. They often draft contracts, pleadings, and other legal documents for their clients. These documents must accurately reflect their clients’ intentions and comply with applicable laws. They also use their research skills to identify relevant case law and other sources of information. Some of these tasks are highly specialized, such as preparing mortgage-related documents, which require detailed knowledge of statutory requirements and case law.

Lawyers may also be responsible for preparing legal documents in the context of foreclosure or debt collection, which is another area where they can offer expertise. They may be involved in interpreting and analyzing financial statements, negotiating loan modifications, or preparing letters of advice. They also prepare bankruptcy petitions.

In addition to drafting legal documents, lawyers can also assist their clients in completing and filing them with various agencies or entities. This process includes preparing forms and providing guidance on how to complete them correctly. For example, they may help their clients obtain a court-endorsed marriage certificate or notarize a signature. They can also help with obtaining birth certificates and other government-issued documents.

Legal document preparation services can be a great option for individuals who need assistance with legal matters but do not want to pay the high prices associated with attorney representation. These services can also be a good alternative to attorney representation for civil cases that do not require much litigation or complex legal issues. In many cases, a certified legal document preparer (CLDP) has the authority and the expertise to handle these types of cases without the supervision of an attorney. In order to be a CLDP, a person must pass a background check and rigorous exam.


The ability to negotiate is a crucial skill for lawyers. They often spend a considerable amount of time negotiating effective settlements for their clients. Often, these settlements are outside of the realm of what the client originally sought in terms of monetary compensation.

Lawyers are also often called upon to negotiate in situations that do not involve litigation. For instance, a client may want to settle a divorce matter through mediation rather than going to trial. In addition, a company might wish to work out a settlement with an employee over a wrongful termination or other workplace issue.

Negotiation has been described as the “preeminent mode of dispute resolution”Footnote 1 and can be found in all aspects of human activity at the individual, organizational and international levels. It is a voluntary process and a party to a negotiation can withdraw at any point during the process.

There are many different approaches to negotiating, but one of the most important lessons a lawyer can learn is to prepare thoroughly before each negotiation. This allows the lawyer to come into the negotiation with a clear idea of what she hopes to achieve and where her boundaries are.

It is also critical to be able to listen carefully during the negotiation process. This is where a lawyer can gain a great deal of information from her counterpart. It is not uncommon for a client to bring up new information during a negotiation, and it can drastically alter the direction of the conversation.

A good negotiator should be able to take reasoned positions, not emotional ones. This is because it is important to show the other party that your position makes sense based on market-based data or that it is simply fair in light of the circumstances.

Courtroom Experience

A lawyer’s job isn’t just about knowing the law, it is also about being able to articulate it and bringing their case to life in the courtroom. This requires a certain degree of public speaking ability as well as being able to read their judge and audience. Some lawyers have a natural gift for this, but even the best attorneys have to practice and hone their skills.

As a result, it is important that you choose a firm and career path that allows you to gain courtroom experience as part of your regular duties. Many new grads and associates find themselves in firms that limit their opportunities for stand-up courtroom experience, or at least do not offer it as frequently as they would like. At MoloLamken, we offer our associates numerous opportunities for stand-up courtroom experience by offering them to argue pro bono cases. This gives them firsthand experience and a chance to get their name out in front of local judges, opposing counsel and the other legal professionals that they work with during hearings.

This type of experience is invaluable and can help new grads and young associates determine if they truly want to be in the courtroom. It also helps them understand the challenges and rewards of different specializations so that they can make the best decision for their own career. Ultimately, it is critical that you choose a career path that you enjoy, and one that is sustainable for the long term. Burnout is a real issue in the legal profession, and it is not uncommon for people to prioritize their work over their personal lives. This can lead to poor health, mental health issues and, ultimately, career burnout.

What Does it Take to Become a Lawyer?

JDB Law, PLLC is a professional who offers legal advice or represents someone. Lawyers may also be referred to as attorneys, solicitors, counselors, or — pejoratively — ambulance chasers. The duties and responsibilities of lawyers are defined by the laws of the jurisdiction where they practice. Some of the specifics vary between countries and types of law.


A career as an attorney requires extensive education and training. To begin, aspiring lawyers must obtain a bachelor’s degree, often in a subject such as business or political science, that provides an overview of the legal system. Many schools also offer specialized pre-law majors that can be helpful for future attorneys. Additionally, students must pass the Law School Admission Test (LSAT) and receive a juris doctorate (JD) degree from a law school accredited by the American Bar Association.

In addition to these academic requirements, a lawyer must be familiar with each jurisdiction’s specific laws and regulations where they plan to practice. Continuing professional development is also required to keep up with changes in the rules, which can happen quickly.

Additional soft skills are also necessary for successful lawyers, including strong written communication and organizational abilities, critical thinking, and working under pressure. In addition, lawyers must communicate effectively with clients and other members of their firm.

To advance in a law career, a lawyer may pursue additional educational qualifications, such as a master of law (LLM) or a doctor of sciences (SJD). The LLM is a postgraduate program that allows students to focus on a particular area of law. This qualification can be useful for lawyers who wish to become experts in a specific field of law, such as international law or environmental law.

The SJD is a research-focused program that can be useful for lawyers who wish to become law professors or engage in advanced legal research. It can take up to five years to complete, and candidates must write a dissertation on a topic of their choice.

Many aspiring lawyers gain experience through an internship during undergraduate or graduate school. Internships allow students to get hands-on exposure to the law and help them develop key career skills, such as communication and teamwork. They can also help create a network of professionals supporting them throughout their careers. 

Other professional development opportunities for lawyers include personal coaching or mentorship programs, which can provide guidance and practical insights.

A lawyer can specialize in many areas of the law. However, determining which region of the law is right for you will depend on your unique interests and strengths. You will also want to consider your career goals and what type of law practice best suits those goals.

A generalist law firm will likely employ lawyers with several areas of expertise to assist clients with various cases and issues. This is why deciding which area of the law is a good fit before starting your first year at law school is important.

If you’re interested in business law, you can help small businesses start new companies, work with large corporations, and advise on various topics, including taxes, acquisitions, mergers, and other issues. Attorneys focusing on intellectual property can handle matters related to copyright, patents, and trademarks. You can also focus on a particular industry, such as finance or healthcare, or you may prefer to be a litigation lawyer and take on a broad range of cases.

Commercial litigation is a fast-paced and challenging practice area that can have some of the highest pay in the legal industry. This type of law involves both prosecution and defense in high-profile cases, which are usually a result of a dispute between two or more parties. Commercial lawyers often have to review contracts, examine title and property, and evaluate expectations to negotiate on their client’s behalf.

Labor and employment law is another popular practice area that deals with cases regarding employee rights and benefits, compensation, and severance packages. Animal rights law is a growing field where attorneys can fight on behalf of animals and work against those who exploit or harm them. You can also focus on family or juvenile law, which deals with issues affecting families and children.

Banking and finance law focuses on the organization, ownership, and operations of banks, depository institutions, mortgage banks, credit unions, and other providers of financial services regulated or licensed by state and federal authorities. This practice area can also encompass laws that govern the relationship between a bank and its customers, such as consumer protections.

Many attorneys work in various practice areas, but some specialize in certain cases. This type of specialization helps law firms build a reputation for expertise, which can increase their business and boost client satisfaction rates. Specialization also allows a firm to serve a specific client niche or industry better, increasing revenue and improving the company’s profitability.

The most popular law degree specializations include criminal, corporate, family, labor and employment law, real estate, and e-commerce. These fields of law deal with various legalities associated with these particular industries, and they can benefit professionals with a strong interest in those topics.

A career in intellectual property law enables lawyers to assist authors and artists in protecting their creations. Candidates must understand patent, copyright, and trademark laws and may be involved in safeguarding artworks, music, and scientific inventions. This law degree specialization is ideal for professionals passionate about the creative arts.

Construction law deals with the laws that protect workers, architects, and designers involved in construction projects. This field of law may also cover issues like safety, project management, and financial regulations. It is suitable for individuals who are passionate about the building industry and those interested in working on a large scale.

Another popular law degree specialization is administrative law, which focuses on the operation and legality of government agencies. Students in this area of law will study the legal responsibilities of federal and state administration. This law degree specialization suits individuals interested in a career in public service.

Litigation and trial law enable students to gain experience in pretrial and trial practice. They will learn about case preparation, evidence, and litigation strategies, including drafting pleadings and complaints. It is a suitable law degree specialization for individuals who want to become prosecutors or defenders or work with a litigation firm.

Most people will require the services of a lawyer at some point in their lives. It could be negotiating a contract, filing a lawsuit, or even defending against criminal charges (like traffic tickets). Whatever the reason, cost is always a consideration. The good news is that many different fee arrangements are available, depending on the type of legal matter and the attorney.

An hourly rate is the most common form of fee structure. This means that the lawyer sets an hourly rate and bills the client for the time they work on their case. Most attorneys will track their time in 1/10th increments, which means six-minute increments. In addition to the attorney’s hourly rate, they will typically bill for paralegal and office staff time at a lower hourly rate.

Flat fees are another arrangement often used for cases that involve drafting legal documents, such as contracts or bankruptcy filings. This billing method allows both the attorney and the client to know exactly how much the service will cost upfront. This can eliminate surprises and allow the attorney to budget accordingly.

Contingency fees are usually reserved for more complicated legal matters, such as personal injury and class action lawsuits that require much research and negotiations. The attorney will receive a percentage of the monetary settlement or award in a contingent fee agreement. If they don’t win, they will not receive any payment.

Retainer fees are a special form of contingency fee. A retainer is a deposit of funds that the attorney will hold in trust for their client until they are required to use the money to pay for a specific legal matter. Retainer fees are often non-refundable, but they give the attorney a measure of security that they will be paid for their services.

Some lawyers will work pro bono for certain legal cases, such as criminal defense or civil rights. These cases may be handled by organizations such as the ACLU and are generally considered high-impact instances with the potential to have a large social impact.
